Un Canny Ism 3.0 PT I
Sometime in late July the sky opened over a golf course,
or something like it.
I had been there before under more harrowing circumstances.
Do Bucks hang out in groups of five,
Bears crossing streets,
When did the Eagles come to roost in Middletown?
I found a Dragon on the river bed and fell in love,
I came back for him and found my own Dragon,
I took her home and adorned her with crystals and fine, significant fabric.
I became a burden on Burden Road,
Kept the whole house up all night with my
seances and wailing.
I did an exorcism and there was peace all around,
Art pieces haunting the hallways with ghosts attached,
One told me I didn’t have to be a martyr.
I burned a small dragon and left my snake in the woods,
I learned how to ask for help with a night in shining armor.
(We are warriors and we are not afraid)
Then 3AM there are flashing lights everywhere,
anywhere a light could flash it did and I ran into the night
I got burned when I didn’t pick up the foil in the night woods,
A smack to the shin
(I was a deer/coyote hybrid, walking slow and quiet and quick and soft,
knees high head low).
Something hissed at me from the left and I sent it away with REIKI.
A triangle lit up in the night right after the hiss, made of trees,
or something
and I’ll be xxxxxx if I didn’t pass through.
Stood afterward near a shed with my head busting out of my chest or something to the like-
And contemplated crossing the marsh to the salamander man who told me
Cigarette smoke kills tomato plants.